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Viseu Now

November 16, 2021  · 

On Sunday, the World Wine Tourism Day was celebrated in the Municipality of Nelas . Viseunow accompanied the afternoon, which was spent at Quinta das Mestras Santar , at the winery of Vinhos Imperfeitos and at the Center for Wine Studies in Dão.

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RED RESERVA 2016 - SILVER MEDAL - in the contest “The best wines of the Dão 2021”, promoted by CVR Dão. 

TINTA RESERVA 2016 - SILVER MEDAL - in the prestigious 29th Grand International Wine Award MUNDUS VINI competition.  Mundus Vini.  An international award that makes us believe more and more


White Grande Reserva 2017 - elected one of the 10 best white wines in the Wine Competition of the Dão Wine Fair – Engineer Alberto Cardoso Vilhena Trophy.

TINTO RESERVA 2017_Joaquim_ Limited Edition - distinction of EXCELLENT: 18/20 points

WHITE DOC 2016, Very Good distinction: 17.5/20 points.


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White Grande Reserva 2017 LIMITED EDITION and Tinto Reserva 2017 LIMITED EDITION_Joaquim- distinguished as "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" in the "Choices of the Month" and "Guia Revista de Vinhos" by Revista de Vinhos - August edition

WHITE BIG RESERVA 2020 Limited Edition - got a rating of 17.5/20. 


A limited edition numbered 1/1733.

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      Comentários Visitantes

A QM contagia 

É alimento que enamora

a nossa Alma 

É pura Poesia que nos seduz com

toda a calma 

A QM é mais que magia


Notícias: Notícias e novidades
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